Generating stations 12

 Question = it has been estimate that a minimum run of approximately 94 m³/sec.  will be available at a hydraulic project with head of 39 m . determine (1) firm capacity (2)  yearly gross output .  asume the efficiency of plant to be 80% .

Solution = weight of water available ,  w = 94 m³/sec. , Head of water = H = 39 metre , plant efficiency = 80% , 

» formula , 

Firm capacity = plant efficiency × gross plant capacity , 

» gross plant capacity = work done/sec ( m³ × 1000 = kgs ) , 

» w = 94 × 1000 = 94000 kg/sec , 

» work done/sec = w × h , = 94000 × 9.81 × 39 watts. = 35963 ×10³ watt , or, 35963 kw , 

» (1) firm capacity = 0.80 × 35963 = 28770 kw , answer ✓

» (2)  yearly gross output = firm capacity × hours in a year , = 28770 × 8760 = 252 × 10⁶ kWh , answer ✓ 


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