Power station 21

 Question =  A generating station has a maximum demand ( M.D. ) of 20 MW , a load factor ( L.F. ) 60 % , a plant capacity factor ( P.C.F.) of 60%  and a plant use factor ( P.U.F. ) of 80 % , find  (1) the daily every produced , (2) the reserve capacity of the plant , (3) the maximum energy that could be produced daily , if the plant was running all the time , (4) the maximum energy that could be produced daily , if the plant was running fully loaded and operating as per schedule . ? 

Solution = is given ,

»  M D. = 20 MW or 20,000 kW , » L.F. = 60 % , P.C.F. = 60 % , P.U.F. = 80 % , 

(1) energy produced  = M.D. × L.F. × hours in a one day , 

» 20,000 kW × 0.6 × 24 h , = 288 × 10³  kWh , answer ✓ 

(2) the reserve capacity of the plant = plant capacity - maximum demand , 

» M.D. = 20 MW , ( is given ) 

» Plant capacity =average demand ÷ plant capacity factor , 

» average demand = 20 × 0.6 = 12 MW ,

» P.C. = 12 ÷ 0.6 = 20 MW , 

» So , reserve capacity of the plant = 20 MW - 20 MW = 0 , answer✓ 

(3) maximum energy produced = M.D. × 24 H = 20 MW × 24 h = 480 MWH  or , 480 × 10³ kWh , answer✓ 

(4)  maximum energy produced  full load = M.D. × 24 h = 20 MW × 24 h = 480 MWH , 

» according to schedule use factor = 0.8 , 

» maximum energy =  unit MWH ÷ use factor , 

» 480 MWH ÷ 0.8 = 600 MWH , or , 600 × 10³ kWh , answer ✓ 


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