Economic of power generation 3

 Question = A generating station has an installed capacity of 50,000 kW and delivers 220 × 10⁶ units per annum . If the annual fixed charges are RS 160 per kW installed capacity and running charges are 4 paise per kWh , determine the Cost per unit generated ?

Solution = Cost per unit generated = total annual charges ÷ unit per annum , 

» is given , unit per annum = 220 × 10⁶ kWh , 

» Total annual charges = annual fixed charges + annual running charge , 

» annual fixed charges = 160 × plant capacity , = 160 RS × 50,000 kW = 80 × 10⁵ RS , 

» annual running charge = ( 0.04 RS ) × ( 220  × 10⁶ ) kWh = 88 × 10⁵ RS , 

» So , Total annual charges = ( 80 × 10⁵ ) + ( 88 × 10⁵ ) = 168 × 10⁵ RS , 

» now , Cost per unit generated = ( 168 × 10⁵ RS ) ÷ ( 220 × 10⁶ ) = 0.0764 RS or 7.64 paise , answer ✓ 


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