Economic of power generation 2

 Question = A generating station has a maximum demand of 50,000 KW . Calculate the cost per unit generated from the following data : capital cost = RS 95 × 10⁶ , annual load factor = 40 % , annual cost of fuel and oil (R) = RS 9 × 10⁶ , interest and depreciation (F) = 12 % , taxes , wages and salaries etc (R) = RS 7.5 ×10⁶ , 

Where , F = fix charge , R = running charge , 

Solution = Cost per unit generated = total annual fix charge ÷ unit generated per annum , 

» unit generated per annum = max..  demand × load factor × hours in a years , = 50,000  kw × 40 % × 8760 hours = 17.52 × 10⁷ kWh , 

» annual fixed charge = (1) annual interest and depreciation = 12% of capital cost = 95 × 10⁶ × 0.12 = 11.4 × 10⁶ RS , 

( 2nd ) annual running charge = total annual running charge  = annual Cost of  oil and fule + taxes wages etc , = ( 9 × 10⁶ + 7.5 × 10⁶ ) = 16.5 ×10⁶ RS , 

 » add charge = ( 11.4 × 10⁶ + 16.5 ×10⁶ ) = 27.9 ×10⁶ , 

» So , Cost per unit generated = ( 27.9 ×10⁶ ) ÷ ( 17.52 × 10⁷ ) = 0.16 RS or , ×100 = 16 Paisa , answer ✓ 


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