motor pump और efficiency की calculation
Question= 25 foot की hight पर एक पानी की टंकी में 15 foot गहरे कुएं में से 10 H.P. की motor कितना पानी दे सकती हैं? Pump की efficiency (η) 65% हैं और पाइप friction loss 10 foot की hight के बराबर है। जब यह motor 400 volt, 3 phase, Power factor 0.7 पर लगी हो तो 85% efficiency पर कितनी current लेगी ?
Solution= is given, Total hight= 25+15+10 =50 foot, ( सभी hight को एक साथ जोड़ दे ) =BHP= 10 H.P. ,. η(p) =65%, =VL =400 volt, =phase =3, =cosØ=0.7, =η(m) =85%, (1) weight of water या force?, (2) ampere?
Pump की output या pump की BHP =(formula) weight of water (in pound) × hight(in foot) 33000
=weight of water= B.H.P. of pump×33000÷ hight(in foot), pounds
=output of pump= input × η, =10×0.65 =6.5 H.P.
=weight of water=6.5×33000÷50; = 214500/50; =4290 pounds या 429 gallons, answer ✓
(2)अब, motor की B.H.P.= 10 H.P.
So, input= output/ η, = 10÷85%, = 10×100÷85, =11.76 H.P.
(Motor input)→85% (motor output)→65% (pump). (11.76 H P. →→→10H.P. →→→→→→→6.5H.P. )
I= H.P.×746×100÷√3×V×cosØ× η; ampere,
I= 10×746×100÷√3×400×0.7×85;
I= 10×746×100×1000×10÷ 1732×400×7×85,
I= 1865×500÷433×119, = 4.307×4.20 =18.06 ampere, answer ✓
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